Monday, November 9, 2009

More Rescue without Borders

Meet Ralph. Right now he's knocking on heavens door down in Georgia, but there's a lot going on that he doesn't know about.
For starters, he's probably got no idea that there even is such thing as a gas chamber. Ralph is eight years old and well behaved, so at this point in time he probably thinks being in a kennel in Animal Control is the worst thing that's ever happened to him.
He's been there almost a week now, and that's probably felt like a long time to him. Ralph likely has no idea that its not long enough ... on the 11th his time will be up.
Ralph would have no idea that the gas chamber has been outlawed in Georgia. Nor would he know that rural Animal Controls received special dispensation from the state to continue using the gas chamber. There are a lot of animal advocates down there trying to change that, but that won't happen in time to help Ralph.
Most of all, Ralph doesn't know that East Coast German Shepherd Rescue is quietly pulling out all the stops trying to arrange transport for him and three other good dogs in the same fix as he is. He has no idea so much is hanging on this and how there will be the same round of nail biting suspense until definite arrangements are made.
Ralph doesn't know its Adopt a Senior Pet Month. Nor does he know that two of the senior shepherds from the original Rescue without Borders story have already been adopted.
Now before the keyboards catch on fire ... and it may just be my imagination .... but it seems to me that there have been more dog adoptions around the province since the first Rescue without Borders trip.
Why would that be? Anytime a group runs adoption incentives ( seniors/ cats/ long term shelter residents ) it has boosted all their adoptions. Why? Because adoption incentives are also attention getting devices that help all the animals.
What more wonderful way to garner attention for animal rescue than to be pulling good dogs, many of them seniors, from the jaws of the gas chamber just in the nick of time.
It is to be hoped that in time, there will be no need for Rescue without Borders. That there will be a time when exemptions are rescinded in Georgia and that the animals will face a better future there.
Until that day, committed volunteers will continue to carry on. Because the alternative is unthinkable.
Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. Chief Seattle

1 comment:

Angela said...

OH God he's beautiful. This stuff just breaks my heart. We adopted our shepherd from ECGSR and I can say Leah is one amazing person. I hope she is able to get these 3 dogs out in time.