Friday, February 24, 2012

Delighting in butterflies ....

I love these beautiful mornings when we have a sweet breath of spring in the air!   Even if this is just a sneak preview before tonight's snow, it is still enough to give everyone a lift!  
Tomorrow I might need to get the blower back out ... but right here, right now it is sufficient unto the day to be able to rummage around the riverbank and wade over to the island.   
This morning, I had to call the Sydney Shelter to get a bit of information.  Before listing the adoptables from Wednesdays slide show on the homeless pet site, I had a thing or two to check. 
It was like a breath of fresh air!   In the past, I have had to scrape the frost off the phone after calling the shelter!   (The testy topic of how they were not the only branch miffed by me and my big mouth is an interesting ... and ongoing ... subject that may get a post of its own on another day, eh? )
The person I was talking to was polite and friendly!  Even better, she took the time to check details so that she was giving me accurate and up to date information.
If I had been a potential adopter or volunteer living in the area, after such a warm reception, I would have headed down there lickedty split!  It is no wonder that the community has been providing an overwhelming level of support for the shelter!
Does that mean that all the work is done?  Of course not!   Even though great strides have been made in an unimaginably short period of time, there is still work to do.
The difference is that now, change is possible.  Instead of bragging that they had addressed a few long overdue easy fixes, under new leadership the Sydney Shelter is actually changing!  Renovations are being made.   Proper shelter protocols established!   Proper animal care being provided!
No wonder it was a completely different experience to call the shelter this morning!  At the end of the day, meaningful change simply cannot be instituted without effective and knowledgeable leadership!
What time is it?  It is time to remember that, like the old Liberal Red Book, this is still a work in progress!    If you would like to help with this exciting journey, please contact The Cape Breton Branch.
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.  source unknown

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