Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Cleanup

Spring is definitely on its way .... the ice has eased away from the edges of the upper pond and there are promising bits of bare ground opening up around the rocks and the shrubbery. I hope I never get so old that I lose my enthusiasm for rediscovering my garden and the seasonal visitors.
I'm wondering if the little bank beaver will take up temporary residence again this year in the upper pond. I can't wait to see how my perennial herbs are doing. This early in the season, I'm even eager to tackle the overly optimistic To Do list of projects for the yard.
But I am not looking forward to the onset of "dumping season'. Particularly this year, when all the animal hospitals in the area are already experiencing an upswing in owners who are electing to have their pets killed rather than pay for tests, x rays and treatment. It doesn't take much imagination to predict what is going to happen to the pets whose owners don't have the balls to face their family vet and the techs at their clinic.
Admittedly, there is a much more positive climate for animal rescue these days in Nova Scotia..... but many of those animals that are dumped will not be lucky enough to make it into rescue.
When I was first posted to Greenwood, I was thrilled to get on a familiarization flight in one of their aircraft and have the chance to fly the length and breadth of the province. An amazing amount of Nova Scotia is still wilderness and even the urban areas are on the fringe of the forests.
It was breathtakingly beautiful to see from the air. I expect its a completely different cup of tea for a family pet with zero survival skills to experience on the ground.
I'm old enough to remember the 'good news / bad news' shtick they used to do on Laugh In years ago. The good news is that the society is working a lot harder to prosecute cases of animal dumping. The bad news of course is both the difficulty of catching the culprits and obtaining a strong enough penalty to deter others.
Spring isn't the only thing waiting just around the corner. The Conservatives are blatantly trying to bribe us with our own tax dollars and the Opposition parties are preaching from every available pulpit.
What does that mean for the animals? At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, it means this is a very effective time for anyone in the animal loving community to discuss their views .... not only with their MLA but with all the parties at work in this province.
As ever ... its a great time to contact your own MLA Members - Constituencies
McG is a Scottish Terrier. He never waits for anyone or anything. When he wants something ... he speaks up. Whether it is one of the dogs to play with him or a treat or cuddle from me.... he will bark and he will bark until he gets what he wants. Why does he do this? Because it works of course.
What time is it? Its not time to be nice. Its not even time to be polite. Its definitely not time to assume that it will be enough for the society to speak out for those who cannot.
Its time to let all our politicians know that in times like these, we just can't afford to ignore the need for tougher laws ... and penalties.... to protect the animals.
Otherwise.... our grandchildren will still be trying to find the solutions that we could have tackled today.

1 comment:

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

NEVER a stuck record! post the names long enough and maybe everyone will do it!!