Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A tight timeline to make a difference

One of the best things about this time of year is being able to take the big dogs along the whole length of my very favourite woodland trail. It winds back and forth through some lovely old growth forest, dips down along the little Fales River in several spots and the energetic climb up the steep side of the ridge is always rewarded by the view.
Barring any unforeseen events, we will take the same trail until the fall rains return to submerge the lower lying land again until this time next year. Day in and day out. Rain or shine. Like standing the proverbial river, it is never the same experience twice.
We have seen every manner of wildlife - from beavers to bald eagles. Everyday there are new scents and temptations for the dogs .... while the seasonal parade of plants and greenery always offers something new and interesting each day for me.
After so many years of moving around, the trail is like a familiar old friend that offers such comfort because it stays the same. In my mind, its perfect just the way it is right now and does not need to be changed.
I wish I could say the same for the laws that are supposed to provide protection for the animals. Last year Bill 186 was hustled through the House in the wake of the furor over clauses 6 - 8 of the infamous Bill 138 . The grassroots campaign of emails and phone calls inspired a newfound interest in animal welfare issues by many MLA's who were previously utterly unfamiliar with any of the issues.
By the time the new Animal Protection Act made it to the final stage of the legislative process known as the Law Committee, the furor had died down enough that the SPCANS presentation of recommendations pretty much passed under everyone's radar.( ... scroll down the page )
I know I sound like a stuck record, but only thing that any politician reacts to is strong voter feedback. With a provincial election fast tracked for June 9th, this is a particularly good time for the everyone in the animal loving community to speak "for those who cannot speak for themselves"
This has been a promising year for the animals and it is a refreshing change of pace to see a more proactive role being played by the society. Its lovely to see a more positive relationship between the society, other rescues and the animal loving community. There is no shortage of enthusiasm all around.
We are long on enthusiasm but still in need of better resources. The road to No Kill Nova Scotia will need to be paved with the material assistance that can only be legislated by our MLA's
What time is it? Its a very good time for the animal loving community to take a page from the Serenity Prayer and understand the power of their own courage and wisdom
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

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