Sunday, September 25, 2011

A little note about why I have left facebook

Last week was fall pickup on our road ... and I really should have put my bedraggled old wheelbarrow out this time.    It was never a top of the line piece of gear to begin with and is one of the few things around here that is older than my eldercat!
The wood frame has gone 'soft', the bucket is rusted and the tire so flat it couldn't carry a cat!  Yet the glass half full gardening optimist in me is sure that it could be reinvented as a funny garden ornament!
To be perfectly honest, it doesn't take up a lot of space in the gardening shed and it really isn't doing anyone any harm, eh?
I wish I could say the same for all the changes that have been happening on facebook.   To be perfectly honest, it has hit a point that I simply am not comfortable with. 
So ... if anyone is trying to contact me they'll have to go old school and use email!
What time is it?    It is never, ever time to participate in anything that makes one so uncomfortable, eh? 

1 comment:

melgeo126 said...

I'll miss ya on there! I'll follow you on the blog though :)